Conversion Rate Optimization
Paid Advertising
Search Engine Optimization
Website Design & Development

Learn how we amplified Rockland Trust's lead generation efforts & online visibility

Financial Services


Rockland Trust is a full-service community bank with $4.7 billion in assets. Established in 1907, Rockland Trust is one of few local banks to retain its original name and independent ownership after more than 100 years. With locations in and around the South Shore region of Massachusetts, Rockland Trust competes with both local and national banks alike.


Rockland Trust partnered with inSegment to deploy Search Engine Optimization and Pay-per-Click campaigns for increased online visibility. inSegment was charged with building conversion-oriented microsites in order to convert visitors arriving from both online and offline channels, and to support Rockland Trust’s seasonal marketing campaigns.


inSegment built a microsite that supported Rockland Trust’s spring “Freeness” campaign that provided a conversion-oriented web asset, eliminating the need to revise the main company website. inSegment also began a PPC campaign and created a second conversion-focused microsite for visitors who arrived through online ads. These ads geo-targeted users searching for checking accounts or other banking services in the vicinity of Rockland Trust’s branches.

Website development
Conversion rate optimization
Paid advertising


inSegment also deployed an SEO program that focused on local keywords and succeeded in gaining first-page status for a variety of relevant and traffic-generating terms.